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The Balance Act!

We all have certain hackneyed phrases that make us, want to tear our hair. I do have one, “You have to balance my dear". Well, I can definitely relate to something like a controlled behaviour, but the act of balancing somehow never seemed comprehensive and perhaps, will never appeal to me in future as well. It certainly helps you get the title of a well balanced woman/man in the eyes of the society. However, I feel the need to be the saviour of this society and family that has unflattering and curbing rules is the easiest way to be a victim of “Flush yourself" syndrome. My intention here is not to sound like an anti- social body, but to raise my vote for an eclipsed behaviour rather than a guilt-tripping one because if you are not yourself you are in disguise. 

There are so many times when you just want to say and do things the way you actually feel, but the same never gets vocal or applied for the greater good (at least that is what most of the diplomats feel), because in my opinion minds that can both forget and forgive hardly coexist. You'll either have some to taunt about the bygones or some who tend to cut you off if they cannot let go of certain incidents. I think the balancing act is the biggest irony of life, for I still fail to understand if it is a threat to freedom or tact to lead a life free of oppositions. The juxtaposed thought arises because we often come across people who believe in saying yes to everything and everyone and mutely carving their ways to get what they want plus it works magically. 

On the other hand, we have people who just burst out and don't balance their nice and not so nice words and this works only when their planetary positions are favourable. Sometimes, I also feel that most of the women do the balancing act to woo men because you strangely come across as a sexy woman when you confuse people and men are rare too who can fearlessly flaunt their extreme thoughts. Somewhere, we give up being ourselves because we are tired, irritated and more dangerously convinced. 

This post is for all the free-spirited people who feel freedom is like oxygen and need a lungful of it each time they breathe, but realign their thoughts with "Ifs and Buts" subconsciously and most of times consciously. Then, manifesting things conveniently to fit into a bunch of society saviours who write blogs whenever their frustrations have overflown and settled.

Finally a demonstration to demonstrate the consequence of an unbalanced diet.

Left brain- You have to voice your opinion; else they will take you for granted.

Right brain- You need to be a little submissive. Simple things can get complicated. Calm down and think with a cool head. Somebody has to lose.

Midbrain- Draw a line. Do not give up on your dreams, but prioritise! 

&....What do you wanna do?
I actually wanna take a dump because I had too much food thinking what to do!!!


  1. agree wid d pt...wil opt 4 X..n ths people also hav 2 understand if d other fellow is nt saying anythng it doesnt mean he/she cant say anythng...


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