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My happy place

 All I wanted was a balcony,

A perfect window to an epiphany 

A perfect envy to the onlookers too

A small desk with a seat, made of timber

Some plants , some wall art

That spoke of me

This person I was in private.

My kind of sundowner, this would be!

I waited for this place 

To unwind, to unfold my thoughts

For years,

All I wanted was a balcony 

My happy place!

While walking on that street 

from my childhood home

towards my dream home

That donned a balcony 

A resolve to all my quests

A perfect place to nurse my dreams

A sundeck with hues of dawn,

And moonlit ever and anon

All I wanted was a balcony 

Unbeknownst to the little me,

I now hang clothes in my balcony!

There is no timber, 

Only dreams that linger

All I want now is to go back to that street

And look for that balcony

Dreams can't be bought,

How timber-headed of me!

Afterall it's the chase,

My happy place,

Unbeknownst to the little me!


  1. Beautifully penned thoughts. I can resonate with every aspect. A balcony can be a perfect place to think, reminisce and reflect your thoughts!

  2. Sweet and simple! I want the same balcony... that you have described so vividly and beautifully, your happy place, the spot to be yourself, and some childhood dreams must remain dreams, since they're more perfect in our mind than the clothes hanging in the balcony of reality!

  3. This took me back to my balcony days . Your words connect very well . Waiting for more !

  4. I totally relate to this Shilpa! Loved how you have penned life’s simplest pleasures - “Me Time!” Keep writing 👍🏼


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