"Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximize the time we have" . what a great phrase by John C Maxwell! As if life was that simple... As if life and the society at large weren’t enough to fill our lives with oxymorons, we have these anonymously or famously quoted phrases that we come across quite frequently. Some can give you a new perspective, some can inspire you and some can really make you sick in your head. When I look back at some of those quotes that have inspired me, I feel I have somewhere failed to read between the lines. I say that because if moral policing with rebellious people , can be done only by reverse psychology, the morality gets imbibed in impulsive people like me by the motivational quotes. The quotes that randomly appear before them and never by elderly guidance. You know the ones who tell you, “they have seen life so...
It's all cray and grey. Perhaps, the barest of welcomes. Nonetheless, I can handle the storm!